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Вы здесь » Амальград форум - арабская, персидская, ближневосточная культура » Страны Востока - разное » Книги и статьи по истории Индии, Пакистана, Бангладеш, Шри Ланки.

Книги и статьи по истории Индии, Пакистана, Бангладеш, Шри Ланки.

Сообщений 1 страница 8 из 8


Judith E. Walsh "A Brief History Of India"
Facts on File | 2005-11-30 | ISBN: 0816056587
http://www.avaxhome.ws/ebooks/history_m … India.html


Thomas R. Metcalf “Ideologies of the Raj"
Cambridge University Press | 1995-03-31 | ISBN: 052139547X
http://www.avaxhome.ws/ebooks/history_m … e_Raj.html


Shahid Javed Burki “Historical Dictionary of Pakistan"
The Scarecrow Press, Inc. | 2006-10-28 | ISBN: 0810856018
http://www.avaxhome.ws/ebooks/history_m … istan.html


Древняя Индия: Страна чудес
Терра, 1997 г. | 168 стр. | ISBN: 5300014192
http://www.avaxhome.ws/ebooks/cultures_ … india.html

Отредактировано Xico (2009-01-14 11:38:29)


Грубая ошибка в названии темы - слово "Бангладеш" не склоняется!!!


sergey1978 написал(а):

Грубая ошибка в названии темы - слово "Бангладеш" не склоняется!!!

Прежде, чем дать название, тоже порылся в гугле. Нашёл там тысячи фраз, вроде:
Ющенко поздравил народ Бангладеша с национальным праздником
Отели Бангладеша
Сезонное национальное бедствие Бангладеша
Посольство Бангладеша в Украине
и т.д.

На грамота.ру, к сожалению, не заглянул.

По правилам языка название страны Бангладеш является несклоняемым. Чем объясняется это исключение? Мне оно кажется диким и необоснованным.
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Исключение объясняется традицией употребления данного названия в русском языке в несклоняемой (неизменяемой) форме.

Видимо, традиция потихоньку деформируется. Но раз в правилах этого нет, так что придётся убрать одну букву из названия темы. Спасибо за замечание.

Отредактировано Xico (2009-03-31 00:10:40)


The Hindu world
Авторы: Sushil Mittal,G. R. Thursby
The Hindu World is the most authoritative and up-to-date single volume on Hinduism available today. In twenty-four chapters, written by leading international scholars, it provides a comprehensive and critical guide to the various literatures, traditions, and practices of Hinduism. Ideally tailored as an introduction to key topics in Hinduism and for use as a definitive reference source, the book offers fresh insights into many aspects of Hindu life. It reflects upon the impact of recent poststructuralist approaches while emphasizing Hinduism's classical heritage and everyday customs in ways that will be familiar to Hindus themselves. Exploring the enormous diversity of Hinduism's multi-dimensional culture while considering its status as a category for analysis, the book achieves a distinctive creative balance between scholarly "outsider" perspectives and the beliefs and values of practicing Hindus.

Ограниченный просмотр - 2004 - Всего страниц: 657
http://books.google.ru/books?id=fz6KBkg … navlinks_s


Tantra: sex, secrecy politics, and power in the study of religions
Автор: Hugh B. Urban
A complex body of religious practices that spread throughout the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions; a form of spirituality that seemingly combines sexuality, sensual pleasure, and the full range of physical experience with the religious life--Tantra has held a central yet conflicted role within the Western imagination ever since the first "discovery" of Indian religions by European scholars. Always radical, always extremely Other, Tantra has proven a key factor in the imagining of India. This book offers a critical account of how the phenomenon has come to be.
Tracing the complex genealogy of Tantra as a category within the history of religions, Hugh B. Urban reveals how it has been formed through the interplay of popular and scholarly imaginations. Tantra emerges as a product of mirroring and misrepresentation at work between East and West--a dialectical category born out of the ongoing play between Western and Indian minds. Combining historical detail, textual analysis, popular cultural phenomena, and critical theory, this book shows Tantra as a shifting amalgam of fantasies, fears, and wish-fulfillment, at once native and Other, that strikes at the very heart of our constructions of the exotic Orient and the contemporary West. A complex body of religious practices that spread throughout the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions; a form of spirituality that seemingly combines sexuality, sensual pleasure, and the full range of physical experience with the religious life--Tantra has held a central yet conflicted role within the Western imagination ever since the first "discovery" of Indian religions by European scholars. Always radical, always extremely Other, Tantra has proven a key factor in the imagining of India. This book offers a critical account of how the phenomenon has come to be.
Tracing the complex genealogy of Tantra as a category within the history of religions, Hugh B. Urban reveals how it has been formed through the interplay of popular and scholarly imaginations. Tantra emerges as a product of mirroring and misrepresentation at work between East and West--a dialectical category born out of the ongoing play between Western and Indian minds. Combining historical detail, textual analysis, popular cultural phenomena, and critical theory, this book shows Tantra as a shifting amalgam of fantasies, fears, and wish-fulfillment, at once native and Other, that strikes at the very heart of our constructions of the exotic Orient and the contemporary West.

Ограниченный просмотр - 2003 - Всего страниц: 372

Вы здесь » Амальград форум - арабская, персидская, ближневосточная культура » Страны Востока - разное » Книги и статьи по истории Индии, Пакистана, Бангладеш, Шри Ланки.